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Deutsche Witze XXL

4.0 ( 5200 ratings )
Sociala nätverk Underhållning
Utvecklare: Dominik Walleser

Over 3000 jokes divided into clear categories:

- Abbreviations
- Alcohol jokes
- All the children
- Anti men jokes
- Anti women jokes
- Black humor sayings
- Chuck
- Dirty sayings
- Eating jokes
- Funny facts
- Insults
- Knock knock
- Marriage jokes
- Pickup lines
- Funny QA
- Hilarious Quotations
- Toilet
- Tongue twister
- WhatsApp
- Words of wisdom
- Would you rather
- Yo Momma sayings
- Animal jokes
- Beer jokes
- Blonde jokes
- Boss jokes
- Car jokes
- Children jokes
- College jokes
- Computer jokes
- Doctor jokes
- Dry jokes
- Farmer jokes
- Food jokes
- Leper jokes
- Little Johnny jokes
- Military jokes
- Money jokes
- Officials jokes
- Police jokes
- School jokes
- Short jokes
- Sports jokes
- Jokes of the day
- your own jokes

- Funny jokes and sayings to laugh and have fun
- Create your own favorites
- Add and edit your own jokes
- Sayings for Carnival
- Share jokes with friends
- Design optimized for iPad

Share the funny sayings with your friends and make them laugh. Everyone needs his daily dose of fun and we hope this app can do something about it.

Laughing is healthy!